So What Do You Do? Podcast

Ever wondered what lawyers actually do? How much time do teachers spend creating teaching material outside the classroom? What actually is a consultant? What’s a tech bro and what do they do?

Join us as we ask our guests all the questions about their jobs. No such thing as stupid questions!

Listen to us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify



When I was graduating high school, everyone was asking me “What do you want to do with your life?”. It was terrifying. I was 18 and had collected very little data on what the options were. I kinda knew what teachers did, because I had spent the most amount of time in that “office” if you will. But even those quizzes that career counselors made me take left a list of careers and a ton of questions.

Cut to now. Many years later, even with 10 years of a career in my belt, I still have the same questions. What actually do people do? What inspires them? What drains them?

Well, this is our chance to find out!